Guralp Systems Limited
MAN-ELP-0097 - GPT User's Guide

Chapter 5. Configuring an EAM-based watchdog

It is possible to use the EAM's pppd-watchdog facility to reboot a Routerboard each time the connection is lost. This technique relies on password-less ssh access.

The following procedure needs to be carried out using the EAM terminal interface as described in the EAM manual (MAN-EAM-0003).

5.1 Automating SSH access

eam711 ~ # ssh-keygen -t dsa

Generating public/private dsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_dsa):

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Enter same passphrase again:

Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa.

Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

3e:b2:a8:e8:81:a5:71:b8:7d:d3:e0:fb:c6:8f:02:7a root@eam711

eam711 ~ # ftpput -vu admin -p rootme ~/.ssh/

Connecting to (

ftpput: cmd (null) (null)

ftpput: cmd USER admin

ftpput: cmd PASS rootme

ftpput: cmd TYPE I (null)

ftpput: cmd PASV (null)

ftpput: cmd STOR

ftpput: cmd (null) (null)

ftpput: cmd QUIT (null)

ssh admin@

Password: …

/user ssh-keys import

User: admin

ssh admin@

5.2 Automating LTE link reset

Once ssh access is automated on the EAM, the following command will reset the lte link without requiring a system reboot:

ssh admin@ '/interface disable lte1 ; /interface enable lte1'

5.3 Setting up the pppd watchdog

Use the EAM web interface to set up the pppd-watchdog as described in the EAM manual (MAN-EAM-0003).

Configure the following (typical) parameters:

Daemon startup delay: 180
Test command:
/bin/ping -c 5
Time between tests:
Kill command:
Force kill count:
Force Kill command:
usr/bin/ssh admin@
'/interface disable
lte1; /interface enable lte1'