Guralp Systems Limited
MAN-OBS-0011 - Orcus ocean-bottom seismometer system - Technical manual
Section Index: 2.1 Description 2.2 Applications 2.3 Summary of key features

Chapter 2. Introduction

Thank-you for purchasing a Güralp Orcus Ocean Bottom Seismometer.

2.1 Description

The Orcus is a state-of-the-art, multi-sensor, permanent ocean-bottom seismometer comprising:

The Orcus is suitable for deploying at water depths of up to 4000 m and is designed for cable-to-shore or cable-to-buoy systems for real-time data streaming and power.

Depending on the deployment depth, the unique spherical casing is composed of either duplex stainless steel or titanium to protect the instrument against water pressure and corrosion. A metal plate located on the base of the sphere maintains coupling with sea-floor sediments. The instruments are mounted in a levelling bowl connected to a turntable to provide azimuth orientation and a lead-screw to provide altitude (tilt) adjustment. This arrangement allows for correct operation when the instrument is installed at up to 26° from level. Each velocity sensor is mounted on an individual tilt-base within the levelling bowl for accurate offset-nulling. Adjusting these tilt-bases is referred to as “centring” the masses.

An optional concrete dome hood can be employed to reduce noise and protect against fish trawl nets in shallow waters.

The Orcus may be integrated with a number of additional geophysical sensors including a differential pressure gauge (DPG), absolute pressure gauge (APG), current meter, hydrophone, compass and tilt-meter.

2.2 Applications

2.3 Summary of key features