function [samples,streamID,sps,tStart] = readgcffile(filename, streamID) % ReadGCFFile % % [SAMPLES,STREAMID,SPS,tStart] = READGCFFILE(filename, streamID) % % Reads in the specified GCF formatted file, and returns: % Samples - an array of all samples in file % Stream ID (string up to 6 characters) % SPS - sample rate of data in SAMPLES % tStart - start time of data, as serial date number % % example: % [samples,streamID,sps,tStart]=readgcffile('test.gcf'); % streams=readgcffile('test.gcf','list'); % [samples,streamID,sps,tStart]=readgcffile('test.gcf','TESTZ2'); % M. McGowan, Guralp Systems Ltd. % 2004/09/23 M. McGowan ( % Added support for multiple streams in a GCF file, where the user can % specify which stream ID they want to extract. See 'streamID' input % parameter. This is optional - if ommited, it will use the first % streamID it finds. Note that it IS case-sensitive - all IDs should be % uppercase. If StreamID is a cell array of strings, this function will % return array structures containing data for all streams specified. % [SAMPLES,STREAMID,SPS,tStart] = READGCFFILE(FILENAME, 'list') % Specifying 'list' for the streamID will return a cell array of strings, % one string for each streamID found in the file. This can be used to % iterate through each streamID in the file to read all the data contained % in the file. For an example, see the 'plot' option. % READGCFFILE(FILENAME, 'plot') % The 'plot' option is an example of reading all streams in a file and % displaying them. % % If the specified stream is a status stream, 'samples' will return an % array of numbers which can be converted into text using % char(samples'). % % Modified code to cope with gaps, overlaps and out-of-sequence data. % Uses the first block timestamp as a reference, so will not return any % data in the file that has a timestamp older than the first % block in file. % In the case of an overlap, the data found further through the file will % overwrite the data read earlier. % Where a gap exists, it will be padded with sample values of NaN. % % 2008/11/13 M.McGowan ( % Updated plotfile routine - only plots data streams (sps>0), and plots % aligned for time % % 2008/11/28 M.McGowan ( % Updated readgcfblock for sample rates >250 % % 2009/03/05 M.McGowan ( % Fixed bug picking up streamID from first block. Was preventing code % from reading a GCF file without a Stream ID being specified % % 2014/09/26 M.McGowan ( % changed to be a 2-pass reader. First pass to read blocks for the % given streamID, and find start/end window, second pass to populate % the samples array. Memory use can be up to (approx) 2x the % uncompressed size of the data, but the file is only read once, which % is more critical. % initialise output variables to 'invalid'. Can't leave them non-existing, % as that doesn't compile properly in 6.x. sps=-1; tStart=-1; wstreamID=-1; expectedtime=-1; % support asking for multiple streams in one call. if (nargin>1) && iscell(streamID), for i = 1:length(streamID), [samples{i},streamID{i},sps(i),tStart(i)]=readgcffile(filename,streamID{i}); end return end if (nargin>1) && strcmp(streamID,'plot'), plotfile(filename); return end % try to open the file. If unsuccessful, try again with a .gcf extension. fid = fopen(filename,'r','ieee-be'); if fid==-1, [p,n,e]=fileparts(filename); if ~strcmpi(e,'.gcf'), fname2 = [filename,'.gcf']; fid = fopen(fname2,'r','ieee-be'); end end if fid==-1, error(['Unable to open file "',filename,'"']); return; end if (nargin>1) && strcmp(streamID,'list'), samples=getstreamidlist(fid); fclose(fid); return end % determine the stream ID that we will be reading from this file. if nargin>1, wstreamID = base2dec(streamID,36); % faster to compare numbers than strings, so use a 'working' streamID end if wstreamID < 0, % no stream ID has been pre-specified, so use the first one we find [blk] = readgcfblock(fid); wstreamID = blk.streamID; frewind(fid); end streamID = dec2base(wstreamID,36); % convert numerical streamID back to a string onesec = datenum(0,0,0,0,0,1); onemsec = onesec/1000; % Pass 1 - read the blocks for the given ID into an array. Determine start % and end times. % get the file size, and init array to block count fseek(fid,0,'eof'); siz=ftell(fid)/1024; frewind(fid); blks=repmat({},siz,1); % read every block of this stream into array "blks" cnt=0; tStart = nan; tEnd = nan; while ~feof(fid), blk=readgcfblock(fid,wstreamID); if ~isempty(blk.samps), cnt=cnt+1; blks{cnt}=blk; % track start and end times tStart = min(tStart,blk.tStart); tEnd = max(tEnd, blk.tStart + (length(blk.samps)/blk.sps)*onesec ); end end fclose(fid); % Pass 2 - create the array to handle the entire file's samples, % then, block by block, copy samples into the array in the correct place. % This is MUCH faster than adding on to the end of an array each block. sps = blks{1}.sps; if sps>0, sampcount=round((tEnd-tStart)*blks{1}.sps/onesec); % assume the samplerate is continuous throughout. else blksm=cell2mat(blks); samples=[blksm(:).samps]; % note - no sorting or duplicate removal, but this is all we need to do. return; % ensure all the output variables are defined before here. end % if there is corruption in the file, and the time span is large, the % repmat below might fail on memory allocation. samples=repmat(NaN,sampcount,1); sampcount=1; for i=1:length(blks), [blk] = blks{i}; if (sps>0), if expectedtime>=0, if expectedtime+onemsec < blk.tStart, disp(['Warning: Gap in ',dec2base(blk.streamID,36),', Expected ',datestr(expectedtime,31),', found ',datestr(blk.tStart,31)]); end if blk.tStart+onemsec < expectedtime, disp(['Warning: Overlap in ',dec2base(blk.streamID,36),', Expected ',datestr(expectedtime,31),', found ',datestr(blk.tStart,31)]); end if sps ~= blk.sps, disp('Warning: sample rate change in file, results will be unpredictable'); end end secs = length(blk.samps)/sps; expectedtime = blk.tStart + secs*onesec; end % Copy the samples into the pre-prepared array if blk.sps>0, ofs = round((blk.tStart-tStart)*blk.sps/onesec); else ofs = sampcount; % count the number of ascii chars, to append the status. end endofs = ofs + length(blk.samps); while endofs > length(samples), %if array not big enough, expand until it is. This should only happen if the samplerate changes. samples = [samples;NaN*ones(length(samples),1)]; end samples(ofs+1:endofs)=blk.samps; sampcount = max([sampcount,endofs]); end samples=samples(1:sampcount); % trim samples array to actual length function [blk] = readgcfblock(fid,nstrid) blk.samps=[]; blk.sps=-1; blk.tStart=-1; blk.sysID = fread(fid,1,'uint32'); blk.streamID = fread(fid,1,'uint32'); if nargin>1, % if we have specified a particular ID, keep searching until we find it while ~feof(fid) && (nstrid ~= blk.streamID), fseek(fid,1016,'cof'); blk.sysID = fread(fid,1,'uint32'); blk.streamID = fread(fid,1,'uint32'); end end if feof(fid) return end date = fread(fid,1,'ubit15'); time = fread(fid,1,'ubit17'); blk.reserved = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); blk.sps = decodesps(fread(fid,1,'uint8')); frac = fread(fid,1,'ubit4'); blk.compressioncode = fread(fid,1,'ubit4'); blk.numrecords = fread(fid,1,'uint8'); % Convert GCF coded time to Matlab coded time hours = floor(time / 3600); mins = rem(time,3600); blk.tStart = datenum(1989,11,17, hours, floor(mins / 60), rem(mins,60) ) + date; % add in the fractional second offset (if any) if blk.sps>0, if blk.sps==400, step=50; else step=250; end; diff=frac*step/blk.sps; % fractions of a second blk.tStart=blk.tStart+ diff/86400; end if (blk.sps ~= 0), fic = fread(fid,1,'int32'); switch blk.compressioncode case 1, diffs = fread(fid,blk.numrecords,'int32'); case 2, diffs = fread(fid,blk.numrecords*2,'int16'); case 4, diffs = fread(fid,blk.numrecords*4,'int8'); end ric = fread(fid,1,'int32',1000-blk.numrecords*4); diffs(1) = fic; blk.samps = cumsum(diffs); else blk.samps = char(fread(fid,blk.numrecords*4,[num2str(blk.numrecords*4),'*uchar=>uchar'],1008-blk.numrecords*4)'); end function [outsps]=decodesps(insps) switch insps case 157, outsps=0.1; case 161, outsps=0.125; case 162, outsps=0.2; case 164, outsps=0.25; case 167, outsps=0.5; case 171, outsps=400; case 174, outsps=500; case 176, outsps=1000; case 179, outsps=2000; case 181, outsps=4000; otherwise outsps=insps; end function list = getstreamidlist(fid) fseek(fid,4,'bof'); list=fread(fid,'uint32',1020); list=dec2base(list,36); list=unique(cellstr(list)); function plotfile(fname) % EXAMPLE SCRIPT TO READ AND PLOT ALL STREAMS IN A GCF FILE list=readgcffile(fname,'list'); for i = 1:length(list), [samples{i},id{i},sps(i),Tstart(i)]=readgcffile(fname,list{i}); Tend(i)=Tstart(i); if sps(i)>0, Tend(i)=Tstart(i) + (length(samples{i})/sps(i))/86400; end end Tmin=datevec(min(Tstart)); Tmax=datevec(max(Tend)); Tdiff=etime(Tmax,Tmin); datachans=find(sps>0); numchans=length(datachans); for i = 1:numchans, subplot(numchans,1,i); Soffset=etime(datevec(Tstart(datachans(i))),Tmin); plot((Soffset:1/sps(datachans(i)):Soffset+(length(samples{datachans(i)})-1)/sps(datachans(i))),samples{datachans(i)}); ylabel(id(datachans(i))); ax=axis; axis([0 Tdiff ax(3) ax(4)]); end xlabel(['seconds from ',datestr(Tmin)]);