Guralp Systems Limited
PRC-FOR-0001 - Temperature Training for Güralp Fortimus and Certimus
Section Index: 3.1 Preparation 3.2 Training 3.3 Finalisation 3.4 Testing

Chapter 3. The procedure

The temperature training has four parts: preparation, execution, finalisation and testing. Each is covered below.

3.1 Preparation

These steps should be carried out first.

This completes the preparatory steps.

3.2 Training

The Fortimus, as it is now configured, will train itself while the ambient temperature varies. It should be exposed to a range of temperatures wider than that expected in the final operating environment so that the look-up-table is sufficiently populated. This typically requires running overnight at least once.

Note: The longer that you can leave the Fortimus in training mode, the more accurate the results will be. This is because the offset associated with each temperature is the average of the calculated offsets; the more offsets collected at each temperature, the more accurate this average is likely to be.

To monitor the progress of the training:

3.3 Finalisation

Once you have gather sufficient training data

This completes the finalisation.

Note: If you wish to re-train the system, execute lut clear followed by

lut run 0

lut train 1

then re-start the instructions from section 3.2.

3.4 Testing

Once the training is complete, we recommend performing a time drift test by setting up two Fortimus units next to each other. We will synchronise both and then allow the unit we have trained to drift for 24 hours before comparing the sample clocks using a common marker found in the data.

If you are satisfied with the synchronicity between the two instruments, the test is complete.