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Polarity of output signals

This page describes the polarity of the output signals of Güralp analogue instruments - i.e. whether the output goes positive or negative when the instrument or ground moves in a particular direction. Velocimeters, such as 3, 40 and 6-series instruments, have two sets of outputs: velocity outputs and mass position outputs. Accelerometers, such as 5-series instruments, only have acceleration outputs. These different types of outputs will be treated separately in the following sections.

Velocity and acceleration output signals are transmitted differentially. This means that signals of both polarities are transmitted simultaneously. This discussion ignores that fact and only considers the polarity of output on the non-inverting leg of the differential pair (often labelled "+ve").

Velocimeters: velocity outputs

Response to motion

Velocity outputs are canonical with respect to ground motion, so:

Response to tilt

Velocity outputs are AC-coupled so there will be no permanent response if the instrument is tilted. There will, however, be a response while the instrument is being moved.

Velocimeters: mass position outputs

Response to motion

The mass position outputs of velocimeters respond to the first differential of motion

Response to tilt

The Z output always goes negative in response to tilt because the gravity that it experiences is reduced in every case.

Accelerometers: acceleration outputs

Response to motion

Response to tilt