Running Scream and other Güralp tools on 64-bit Linux
64-bit Linux distributions have traditionally supported 32-bit applications, such as Scream, using a single 32-bit support package called i32libs. This contained 32-bit versions of most of the common shared objects (libraries). Unfortunately, it grew very large and, because it needed updating every time any of the included libraries were updated, it became unmanageable.
Modern Linux distributions have moved to a new model, known as "multiarch". Under multiarch, each library is once again a separate package and the 32-bit versions are typically distinguished by a suffix such as :i386 or :i686. Consult your operating system documentation for details.
It is, therefore, often necessary to install additional libraries in order to run Scream and the other Güralp Linux tools, such as gcf2msd or gcf2sac on 64-bit Linux platforms. The precise details vary between distributions but most will follow either the Ubuntu model, the Debian model or the Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS model, for which details are given below.
If the instructions below do not work for you, please contact - even if you fix the problem yourself - so that we can expand this page for the benefit of other users.
Ubuntu, Mint and similar systems
Download the scream .deb file according to the download instructions and then, from the directory where the .deb file is located, run the following commands to install the necessary libraries and the application:
Download the scream .deb file according to the download instructions and then, from the directory where the .deb file is located, run the following commands to install the necessary libraries and the application:
Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS and similar systems
On these systems, it is necessary to edit the file yum.conf to direct the system to use the multiarch system. As root, open the file in your favourite editor and add the line
then save the file.
Now run one of the following commands, which enable the use of an additional repository. The correct command* to use depends on your operating system version:
For EL5, run
sudo yum localinstall -
For EL6, run
sudo yum localinstall -
For EL7, run
sudo yum localinstall
*This information came from
Lastly, run the following command to install the necessary libraries:
Arch Linux
On these systems, it is necessary to edit the file /etc/pacman.conf to enable the multiarch system. Uncomment the following two lines:
and then upgrade the system by running
Now use pacman in the usual way to install the required libraries:
Finally, build and install lib32-libxp with the following commands:
Support for 32-bit applications in OpenSuse is turned on by installing the x86 runtime environment pattern and, then, the appropriate 32-bin libraries. From the command line, run: