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Using InfoBlocks with Scream!

DM24 and CD24 digitisers have a 1kB memory region which can be used to store information about attached sensors and the digitisers themselves. Users are free to store any data they wish in the digitiser’s information block.

Typically, this is used to store calibration parameters, poles and zeros, etc. Newer digital sensors have their calibration information pre-loaded into the information block. DM24mk3 instruments use this information to perform their strong motion calculations. The format of information blocks is described here.

Reading the information block

Digitisers automatically transmit the information block, if it is set, at every reboot. The block is transmitted with a special stream ID ending IB. There is also a terminal command which triggers transmission of the information in the block. Typing SENDINFO causes the information block to be re-transmitted as a GCF block after the terminal session closes. Depending on the filing mode, the block will either be transmitted over the serial port or stored to flash.

Setting the information block

First, you must prepare a file on your computer containing the relevant data, possibly using the format described here. The file must not be larger than 1000 bytes (it must fit inside a GCF block).

If you use a EAM or any equipment with an integrated EAM (such as a DM24SxEAM or an instrument such as a 5TDE) you can load the InfoBlock using the digitiser configuration dialogue. This is the simplest way to load an InfoBlock. If you do not have access to an EAM, follow the procedure below.

To change the content of the digitiser’s information block, follow the steps applicable to your sensor type.

DM24 mk3 and newer sensors

Loading InfoBlocks takes place in the bootloader environment, which does not properly support 230,400 Baud operation. If Port 0 is set to 230,400 Baud, reduce the line speed to at most 115,200 Baud before proceeding. Both ends of the serial link need to run at the same speed so you may also have to reconfigure Scream or your terminal emulator.
  1. Connect to the digitiser terminal using Scream!. Right-click on the digitiser’s icon in the main window and select Terminal from the pop-up menu.

  2. Check that there is two-way communication with the digitiser by keying enter. The digitiser should reply with ok on a new line.

  3. Type re-boot to reinitialise the digitiser, and confirm with y. As it is restarting, the digitiser will report its status over the terminal connection, followed by a maintenance menu:

    MPE ARM ANS ROM PowerForth v6.20 ARM Serial BootStrap v1.100, 11 August 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-3 GSL, EDSL & MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd. Port 0 38400 baud Port 1 38400 baud Port 2 38400 baud Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v01.0 mgs 29/07/04 [b 015] System Code versions loaded :- 0103:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd DMARM v01.0 mgs 09/07/04 [Build 017] 0106:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v01.1 mgs 22/07/04 [Build 007i] 0109:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v01.1 mgs 11/08/04 [Build 007] Default 010C:0000 Blank DSP Code : 0101:0000 ARMT16D16-050304.BIN 0102:0000 dsprot037.bin 04/08/04 Default Command keys: C - set real time Clock (2011 3 29 14:41:53 ) I - view/upload InfoBlock F - run the Forth monitor S - update System program O - select Other system program B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 4 seconds to auto-start Enter command:
  4. Type i. The digitiser will then request a transfer. A file browser window will open automatically.

  5. Navigate through the directories on your computer and select the file to be uploaded, or type in its full path and file name. Click Open.

    Selecting a file to transmit

    Whilst the file is being uploaded, a progress window will be displayed.

  6. A 6 channel digitiser (DM24S6) actually has two info blocks. The first holds information that applies to the Sensor A instrument, and the second holds information for Sensor B. After uploading the first block, the DM24 will ask if you wish to upload the second InfoBlock.

  7. Once the files are fully transferred, the digitiser will return to its maintenance menu. Press return to reboot the digitiser with the new information block.

CD24, EDU and 6TD sensors

  1. Convert the prepared file to Intel HEX format. An on-line tool for performing this conversion is available at and other tools are freely available from the Internet.

  2. Connect to the digitiser terminal using Scream!. Right-click on the digitiser’s icon in the main window and select Terminal from the pop-up menu.

  3. Check that there is two-way communication with the digitiser by keying enter. The digitiser should reply with ok on a new line.

  4. Enable the extended dictionary with the ok-1 command.

  5. Enter the command load-i .

  6. Right-click in the window and select Send File…. Browse your local directories to the location of the new file, and click OK. If the transfer fails to start, the upload may have timed out. Repeat steps 5 and 6.

  7. A window will appear showing details of the file transfer. When it is finished, the digitiser should display Info Block.... Saved.

  8. Check that the new information block is successfully loaded by issuing the command .info (which is only implemented in the latest firmware).