GCFSplit 0.2
GCFSplit is a cross-platform tool for reading GCF files containing data for multiple streams and writing an individual GCF file for each stream. Status streams are output as plain text files.
GCFSplit v0.2 for Windows (79 K .zip)
This windows binary uses the QT runtime DLL file qtintf70.dll. This is normally installed with Scream but, if it is not installed on your system, you will receive an error message when you try to run this software. You can download this DLL from here. It should be placed either in the same directory as the program or in the system32 directory.or
GCFSplit v0.2 for Linux (84 K .gz)
This linux binary needs access to the Qt runtime library (a 2.4 M .gz), either in your normal library path or in the current directory. If the library cannot be loaded, the following error is displayed:
Runtime error 230 at 080677E9 Segmentation fault (core dumped)This 32-bit linux software runs on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. To install it on a 64-bit Linux platform, please follow these instructions to install the relevant libraries.
The gcfsplit
program should be invoked from the command line
with one or more arguments, each of which should be the path to a GCF file or a
wildcard which expands to the paths to GCF files. For example:
The output files will be written to the same folder(s) as the input file(s). The name of each output file will be the base-name of the input file, followed by a hyphen, followed by the system-id, followed by a hyphen, followed by the individual stream-id and either a .gcf extension or, for streams with a zero sample-rate (such as status streams), with a .txt extension.
For example, if the file 20090618.gcf exists in the folder C:\GCFDATA and contains data from system GSL0 for streams 100000, 1000N1, 1000E1 and 1000Z1, the command
will create the files:
For more information, first contact your local distributor or email .