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Scream2CD1 1.3

Scream2CD1 is an application which connects to Scream! receives real-time GCF network data, and transmits it to a CD1.0 receiver.

The user has control over the translations from GCF-style naming conventions to CD1 naming conventions, Canadian compression on/off, and the Calibration factors.

Once set up, the program is designed to auto-start, remembering previous configurations, and and data that has been received in GCF but not transmitted to a CD1.0 receiver.


Scream2CD1 v1.3 for Windows (282 K .zip)

This windows binary uses the QT runtime DLL file qtintf70.dll. This is normally installed with Scream but, if it is not installed on your system, you will receive an error message when you try to run this software. You can download this DLL from here. It should be placed either in the same directory as the program or in the system32 directory.


Scream2CD1 v1.3 for Linux (316 K .gz)

This linux binary needs access to the Qt runtime library (a 2.4 M .gz), either in your normal library path or in the current directory. If the library cannot be loaded, the following error is displayed:
Runtime error 230 at 080677E9 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This 32-bit linux software runs on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. To install it on a 64-bit Linux platform, please follow these instructions to install the relevant libraries.

Windows installation

To install on a Windows PC or laptop, unzip the file scream2cd1.exe, and place it in a suitable directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Guralp Systems).

To arrange for the software to start automatically when the system is re-booted, place a shortcut in the Startup folder. See your Windows documentation for more details about this technique.


When you first run scream2cd1, it will automatically create a sub-directory called cd1data for buffering use. An ini file will be created in the current directory, normally the location of the exe file.

By default, scream2cd1 will listen to network traffic being broadcast to port 1567. This is the default for Scream broadcast transmissions. Please refer to the Scream documentation for details on how to transmit GCF data from Scream.

When running, a list of available streams is automatically compiled in the Streams column. This list is compiled from the data that is received by Scream transmissions. To add a stream to the CD1 frame, either double-click on the stream name, or select it and click the Add button. Note that once added, the stream will not be listed in the "Streams" list. The order that the streams are added will determine their order in the CD1 data frame.

When a stream is added to the CD1 list, default values will be selected. To change these, double-click on the stream name in the CD1 list.

When the streams to be transmitted as CD1 format are selected, make sure the Receiver IP address and Port number are correct (The Receiver box should contain a "dotted quad" IP address, then a colon, then the port number. e.g.

Finally, to initiate connection and begin transmission, click the Connect Button. Scream2CD1 will then attempt to connect to the receiver specified. If connection fails, or drops during operation, reconnects will be attempted at regular intervals. During this time the data will be buffered in the cd1data directory for later transmission when the link is restored. Note that data are only buffered when in the 'Connect' state – that is, when the user has clicked the Connect button, and the Disconnect button is available.

There are two status bars on the bottom of the window. The top one show the current state of the CD1 connection, and the bottom one shows the real-time GCF block reception.

To log the text of the bottom status bar (Incoming data), use the command line parameter /LogI.

To log the text of the top status bar (Outgoing data), use the command line parameter /LogO.

The logging options will create daily log files.

For more information, first contact your local distributor or email .