Guralp Systems Limited
MAN-050-0005 - CMG-5TD - Operator's Guide

Chapter 3. Quick start

3.1 Unpacking and packing

The CMG-5TD accelerometer system is delivered in a single cardboard box with foam rubber lining. The packaging is specifically designed for the CMG-5T system. Whenever transported, the CMG-5TD system should be packed in its original shipping container. The packaging should be saved for re-use in the event of a later shipment.

Upon receipt of the equipment, please note any damage to the package. Unpack on a clean surface. The package should contain: digital accelerometer, a separable levelling baseplate, baseplate screws, concrete anchor and mounting bolt, GPS receiver, GPS receiver cable and power/data connection cable.

Place the CMG-5TD on a table and identify

3.2 Initial check-out

This section gives a quick outline for initial system test, which should performed prior to installation. You must provide 10-36 V DC power and a PC running Scream.

Attach the levelling baseplate to the base of the CMG-5TD using the screws provided. Set the CMG-5TD onto a flat surface. Using the large hex screws on the baseplate in conjunction with the bubble level, level the instrument. Connect the CMG-5TD directly to the PC using the supplied power/data cable

Switch on the power supply. Using the PC, start Scream and take the following steps: