Guralp Systems Limited
MAN-BHO-0012 - Flute and Flute String - User's Guide

Chapter 4. Working with strings

4.1 Introduction

Up to five instruments may be connected together in a daisy-chain configuration to form a flute string. Instruments may be connected together in any order and will auto-configure their identities: the top instrument will identify itself as sensor number one and lower instrument will assume sequential numbers.

Four special 20 m cables are provided to connect the instruments in a string configuration, together with a 300 m cable for suspension and connection to surface equipment. Only these cables should be used for string configurations.

4.2 Deployment

The following tools are provided for deployment:

To deploy the string:

4.3 Operation

4.3.1 Hole-locks

To operate the hole-lock, the hole-lock box must be attached to the surface box and mains (line) power (110-240 V 50-60 Hz.) must be applied to both boxes.

Switch the main power switch to the hole-lock position and turn the Hole-Lock select switch to the appropriate sensor. Sensor 1 is at the top of the string and Sensor 5 is at the bottom. Sensors are automatically numbered from the top of the string so if, for example, only 3 sensors are used, they will be numbered 1-3.

When the power switch is in the hole-lock position, the LCD screen will show the system current draw. This can be used to ascertain when the hole-lock is at one of its end-stops:

As the pressure around the hole-lock increases so the current draw increases proportionately.

4.3.2 Starting the sensors

To turn on the sensors in the string, move the main power switch to the “Sensor” position. The Surface box will then communicate with the sensors and label them, in turn, 1-5. Once this is done, normal operations can resume. During the labelling process, the centre lines are locked out, i.e. no external control of the centre lines will be available.

4.3.3 The LCD menu

When each sensor has been found, the mass positions will be obtained and displayed on the LCD and a “soft” menu pertaining to the functions of the four buttons below the LCD screen will be displayed. The functions of the buttons are:

4.3.4 The “CAL ENABLE” switch

The “CAL ENABLE” switch will pull down the Calibration Enable line and tie all the signal grounds together, so that all the sensors can obtain a calibration signal at the same time. A calibration signal can be injected by using the banana plugs above the switch. Individual sensors may be enabled for calibration by using the serial interface.

4.3.5 The Response Line switches

These switches will set response of all sensors in the string to one, ten, thirty or sixty seconds. This only has effect if the default response of every sensor is set to Long Period (sixty seconds). This is the recommended way of configuring the responses of sensors in a string. If any sensors have a different default response set in software, it will affect all the others (setting them all to the fastest response configured).

Note: For this reason it is highly recommended that the sensor responses are not set using the serial or USB interfaces, but by use of the surface box..

4.3.6 The BUSY light

The Busy Light will flash when any sensor is awake and working (in a similar fashion to that described under single unit operation), but the initial flashing will not occur when using the USB or LCD unit as the surface box should be communicating with the sensors.

4.3.7 The USB interface

The USB interface provides a terminal interface. The USB interface will present as a COM port on a PC, via which the interface can be accessed using a terminal emulator, such as PuTTY or Minicom.

When the system is first powered up, a menu is displayed. A typical example is shown below:

I2C init

RESET by : PowerOn PIN

5Volt OFF


MPE ROM PowerForth for Cortex-M3

v7.10 [build 0351] 14 Aug 2012, 17:13:06



Guralp Systems Ltd - 6TFSoH v1.0 mgs 14/08/12 (Build 0_43)


STRING MASTER UDID 0038:0022:3130:3831:0747:3131 RS485 Master

3528 bytes free

LCD HCU found ..........

6TF Flute String Surface Control

Control Port : $4C ok


|+++++++++|++++ 14.6mA

HoleLock Power

|+++++++++|++++++ 16.5mA


|+++++++++|++++ 14.7mA

Sensor Power

|+++++++++|++++ 14.7mA

Scan for String Sensors


Wake....Hi Slave# 1

Wake....Hi Slave# 2

Wake....No reply

Wake....No reply No response?

2 Sensors in String

Mass Positions : Z N E

Slave# 1 Wake....Hi

MIKES STRING -40% -40% -40%

Slave# 2 Wake....Hi

IRIS TEST2 -38% -38% -39%

SURFACE MENU : Select Sensor # (1-2) to access

or S_tatus, R_esponse, C_alenable,

I_nclinations, A_ll centre


|+++++++++|++++ 14.8mA

This example is from a string containing only two sensors. The surface menu will display more options of additional sensors are connected. The menu provides direct access to each sensor by keying the number corresponding to its position in the string (, , , or ).

When a number is keyed, a sensor menu is displayed.

The sensor menu provides these options:

1 Wake....Hi


6TF Control Menu : MIKES STRING

SENSORS : A_ll, V_ertical, N_orth, E_ast - centre

MODE : S_hortperiod, B_roadband

CONFIG : R_esponse, C_alenable

M_ass positions : I_nclination : O_ffset null ADXL : e_X_it :- KEY ?

The recognised inputs are shown in the table below:



Initiate centring of All components.

Initiate centring of the Vertical component only.

Initiate centring of the North/South component only.

Initiate centring of the East/West component only.

Place the instrument into one-second (Short-period) mode.

Place the instrument into Broadband (long-period) mode, as configured by the control lines (see section 3.3.4 on page 10). The actual period selected will be reported to the operator after this command has taken effect.

Allows the operator to select the default frequency Response of the sensor: i.e. the response that will be selected on power-up and after each centre is completed (but see section 4.3.5). Note that if the default is changed to MSP (medium-short period), Pin T will be low so pulling Pin S low will therefore result in a short period response and vice versa. DO NOT attempt to drive these lines high.

Toggle between enabling and disabling Calibration.

Print the current Mass position values.

Print the current Inclinometer outputs (in three axes).

Reset the inclinometer outputs to zero. This command is primarily for factory use and should only be issued when it is known that the instrument is accurately vertical.

Exit the command menu. The processor will check the mass positions, perform centring if required and then enter the low-power “sleep” mode.

Note: When the instrument response is set using the menu system, the appropriate hardware response lines are pulled to ground. When used in a string configuration, this causes interactions between the different sensors in the string because each will respond to both hardware and software configuration. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that only hardware controls, such as those on the Surface Control Box, are used to set the frequency response of a Flute String.