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Firmware upgrades for DM24s using Platinum - Manual method

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This document describes how to upgrade the firmware of a DM24 using a connected Platinum systemA "platinum system" is any system running the Platinum operating system. This includes stand-alone acquisition systems such as EAMs and NAMs, DAS units such as the Affinity and DM24SxEAM and digital instruments with built-in acquisition systems such as the 3TDE, 40TDE or 5TDE.. Platinum systems provide the dm24-upgrade command and this is the recommended way of upgrading connected digitisers. There may be times, however, when the dm24-upgrade command cannot be used, such as when a previous firmware upgrade has failed and the DM24 will not boot beyond the initial boot-loader menu. This procedure can be used in those cases.

The DM24 firmware is provided as three separate components: the boot-loader, the system code and the DSP code. If more than one component is to be upgraded, it is essential that the upgrades are performed in the correct order. This document respects that order so please be sure to follow it sequentially.


This procedure is carried out on the command line of the Platinum system.

The command line of the Platinum system is different from that of the DM24. The prompt should end with a # symbol. If, instead, the prompt is simply ok, you are in the wrong command-line environment and you should review the documentation for your system or seek advice from .

If it is possible to connect via the network, it is recommended that ssh or PuTTY be used to log into the Platinum system. If a network connection is not available, however, a serial link can be used.

If you use a serial link, you must take care that the escape sequences used by your terminal emulator do not clash with those used by minicom because we shall use minicom to perform the upgrade. Minicom's sequences all begin with ctrl + a. Please contact before proceeding if in any doubt on this matter or you may cause further corruption of the DM24 firmware.

The rest of this procedure assumes that you are familiar with connecting and logging in to the command line.


At various stages in this procedure, you will be asked to power-cycle the DM24. There are three ways of doing this, depending on your hardware:

  1. If you have a cylindrical system, such as a DM24SxEAM in a metal, cylindrical case or a *TDE integrated instrument such as a 3TDE, you can power-cycle the embedded DM24 using the "Digital I/O" page in the web interface.

    Select the appropriate port - normally Port_A - and set the output to "Low" to power off. Once powered off, click "Return to details" to proceed. Set the output to "High" to power the DM24 on again and, again, click "Return to details" afterwards.

  2. If you have a separate DM24 (in a peli-case or a *TD integrated instrument) with a cable connection to the Platinum system, the simplest method is to unplug the cable between the two for five seconds and then plug it back in again.

  3. If neither of these methods is possible (as in the case, for example, of a DM24SxEAM in a black plastic peli-case) a DC power-supply with an adjustable output is required. Power the Platinum system and the DM24 from this power supply. Start by setting the output voltage to 12 V DC and log in to the Platinum system. Type into the console while gradually reducing the supply voltage until the system stops responding to your key-strokes. Wait a few seconds and then increase the voltage by one volt. The Platinum system should boot and allow you to log in again. Note the voltage of the power supply at this point; we shall refer to this as the lower voltage. The DM24 requires a higher voltage to run than does the Platinum system so only the Platinum system should be running at this point. If you now increase the supply voltage to 12 V, the DM24 will boot as well. To power cycle the DM24, therefore, you should first decrease the power supply voltage to the lower voltage (as established earlier), wait five seconds and then increase the voltage to 12 V again.


  1. Many parts of this procedure need to be completed within a time-out period and it can be difficult to read the instructions at the same time while still reacting quickly enough to the prompts. For this reason, each section begins with a detailed description of the process, including several screen-shots, so that you can read and understand fully the process before you start. At the end of each section, there is a link to a quick summary of the required key-strokes.

    We recommend that you read each section thoroughly until you are familiar with the various screens and prompts that you will encounter. You can then use the summary page to refresh your memory while actually performing the procedure.

  2. At various stages throughout this procedure, the boot-loader menu will be displayed and you will be required to make a selection from this menu within five seconds. If you would like more time, simply key
    spacebar to increase the time-out to thirty seconds. You can do this as often as you wish.

  3. When selecting the directory for the file transfer, you will be required to type /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24-mk3 and, if you take too long, the system may time-out. This is especially likely if you make a mistake typing it and need to erase your typing and start again. We recommend copying the path into your PC's clipboard and familiarising yourself with the keystroke necessary to paste it into your session: typically a middle cmouse or right rmouse mouse-click or a key sequence like ctrl + shift + v or shift + insert.

The Procedure

1. Changing the line-speed

Firmware upgrades can fail if the line-speed of the communication link between the Platinum system and the DM24 is too high. We recommend a line-speed of 38,400 Baud. If the current line-speed is higher than this, it should be reduced to avoid this problem. If it is lower than this, it should be increased to reduce the time taken by the upgrade. The first step of the procedure, therefore, is to set the line-speed of both the terminal emulator and the DM24 to 38,400 Baud.

Log in to the Platinum system and run the command minicom PortA to start the minicom terminal emulator. You should see the following screen:

Welcome to minicom 2.7 OPTIONS: Compiled on Feb 11 2014, 15:40:29. Port /dev/ttyS1, 16:49:26 Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys CTRL-A Z for help | 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1
If the DM24 is currently running, you will see a lot of indecipherable characters appearing. This is normal and can be ignored.

In this example, the current line-speed is 115,200 Baud, as indicated by the text 115200 in the status line at the bottom of the screen. If the status line is not displayed, key ctrl + a to make it visible.

If the current line-speed is 38,400 already, you can skip this step and jump to Upgrading the boot-loader.

To change the line-speed, leave this screen open and power-cycle the DM24, as described above. The following menu will be displayed:

I/OPort =$42 : RTModule no I2C ACK @ $78 MPE ARM ANS ROM PowerForth v6.30 ARM Serial BootStrap v1.100, 11 August 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-3 GSL, EDSL & MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd. Port 0 38400 baud Port 1 4800 baud Port 2 38400 baud Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v2.0 mgs 13/12/12 (Build _13) System Code versions loaded :- Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Previous 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Command keys: C - set real time Clock (2016 9 29 14:37:06 ) I - view/upload InfoBlock F - run the Forth monitor S - update System program O - select Other system program B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 5 seconds to auto-start Enter command: CTRL-A Z for help | 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Immediately key f to select "Run the FORTH monitor" and then key enter once or twice until you see the ok prompt.

If you are not fast enough when you key f, the system will begin to attempt to boot. In this case, simply power-cycle it and start again.

Type the command 0 38400 BAUD and key enter. The line-speed of the digitiser changes immediately so you do not see an ok prompt this time. You may see a few random, indecipherable characters instead.

The line-speed of the DM24 is now set to 38,400 Baud so we need to change the line-speed of the minicom terminal emulator to match. To do this, key ctrl + a and then p to open the "Comm Parameters" dialogue. Key d and then enter to select 38,400 Baud.

Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v2.0 mgs 13/12/12 (Build _13) System Code versions loaded :- Current 0105:0000 Gur+---------[Comm Parameters]----------+1/11/14 (Build 57w) Previous 010E:0000 Gur| |1/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 0117:0000 Gur| DSP Code : | Speed Parity Data | 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin| A: <next> L: None S: 5 | 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin| B: <prev> M: Even T: 6 | Command keys: | C: 9600 N: Odd U: 7 | C - set real time Cloc| D: 38400 O: Mark V: 8 | I - view/upload InfoBl| E: 115200 P: Space | F - run the Forth moni| | S - update System prog| Stopbits | O - select Other syste| W: 1 Q: 8-N-1 | B - update Boot progra| X: 2 R: 7-E-1 | D - update DSP code | | T - Toggle default DSP| | Q - Quit maintenance s| Choice, or <Enter> to exit? | 3 seconds to auto-sta+------------------------------------+ Enter command: F Forth Monitor MPE ARM ANS ROM PowerForth v6.30 0 38400 BAUD x�� CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key enter a few times until the ok prompt is displayed again. Now type the command reboot and key enter to restart the system.

Leave minicom running and proceed to upgrade the boot-loader.

Follow this link to the one-page summary

2. Upgrading the boot-loader

The boot-loader is the first piece of code to run when the DM24 first starts. It normally loads the correct system code and DSP code and then transfers control to the system code. It does, however, control the updating of all the parts of the firmware using the "boot-loader" menu. Most of the rest of this procedure will involve using this menu.

The line-speed of the link between the DM24 and the Platinum system must be no faster than 38400 Baud or you may render the DM24 unbootable. Please ensure that you have completed the previous section, 1. Changing the line-speed, before following the instructions in this section

Power-cycle the DM24, as described above. The following menu will be displayed:

I/OPort =$42 : RTModule no I2C ACK @ $78 MPE ARM ANS ROM PowerForth v6.30 ARM Serial BootStrap v1.100, 11 August 2003 Copyright (c) 2002-3 GSL, EDSL & MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd. Port 0 38400 baud Port 1 4800 baud Port 2 38400 baud Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v2.0 mgs 13/12/12 (Build _13) System Code versions loaded :- Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Previous 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Command keys: C - set real time Clock (2016 9 29 14:37:06 ) I - view/upload InfoBlock F - run the Forth monitor S - update System program O - select Other system program B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 5 seconds to auto-start Enter command: CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Immediately key b.

If you are not fast enough when you key b, the system will begin to attempt to boot. In this case, simply power-cycle it and start again.

The following prompt is displayed:

Backup 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Previous 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Command keys: C - set real time Clock (2016 9 29 14:37:06 ) I - view/upload InfoBlock F - run the Forth monitor S - update System program O - select Other system program B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 5 seconds to auto-start Enter command: B Update Boot program: Are you sure? Y/N: CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key y to confirm and then x to select the X-Modem protocol. The following is displayed:

0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Command keys: C - set real time Clock (2016 9 29 14:37:06 ) I - view/upload InfoBlock F - run the Forth monitor S - update System program O - select Other system program B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 5 seconds to auto-start Enter command: B Update Boot program: Are you sure? Y/N: Y Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key ctrl + a then s to open the "Upload" protocol selection dialogue.

Key down-arrow until xmodem is highlighted:

0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded+-[Upload]--+ Command keys: | zmodem | C - set real time Clock (1998| ymodem | ) I - view/upload InfoBlock | xmodem | F - run the Forth monitor | kermit | S - update System program | ascii | O - select Other system progr+-----------+ B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 3 seconds to auto-start Enter command: B Update Boot program: Are you sure? Y/N: Y Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

and then key enter. The file selection dialogue is displayed.

Key g to Go to a directory and paste in (or type, if you are fast and accurate) /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3

0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 01+------------------------[Select a file for upload]-------------------------+ Co|Directory: /root | C | [..] | I | minicom.log | F | | S | | O | +-----------------------------------------+ | B | |Goto directory: | | D | |> /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 | | T | +-----------------------------------------+ | Q | | 3 | | En| | Up| ( Escape to exit, Space to tag ) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X St [Goto] [Prev] [Show] [Tag] [Untag] [Okay] CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

and then key enter.

Scroll down the resulting list of files to dm24mk3-boot3002.img and then key spacebar to select it. It should now be displayed highlighted:

0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 01+------------------------[Select a file for upload]-------------------------+ Co|Directory: /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 | C | [..] | I | dm24mk3-107b27.img | F | dm24mk3-boot3002.img | S |dm24mk3-dsp1091.bin | O | | B | | D | | T | | Q | | 3 | | En| | Up| ( Escape to exit, Space to tag ) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X St [Goto] [Prev] [Show] [Tag] [Untag] [Okay] CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key enter to start the transfer.

The xmodem upload indicator is displayed and, after a few seconds, it will start to show the progress of the transfer:

0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000+-----------[xmodem upload - Press CTRL-C to quit]------------+ Command k|Sending dm24mk3-boot3002.img, 509 blocks: Give your local XMO| C - set r|DEM receive command now. | I - view/|Xmodem sectors/kbytes sent: 28/ 3k | F - run t| | S - updat| | O - selec| | B - updat| | D - updat+-------------------------------------------------------------+ T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 3 seconds to auto-start Enter command: B Update Boot program: Are you sure? Y/N: Y Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

It takes less than a minute to transfer the boot-loader, after which the following is displayed:

0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000+-----------[xmodem upload - Press CTRL-C to quit]------------+ Command k|Sending dm24mk3-boot3002.img, 509 blocks: Give your local XMO| C - set r|DEM receive command now. | I - view/|Bytes Sent: 65152 BPS:2781 | F - run t| | S - updat|Transfer complete | O - selec| | B - updat| READY: press any key to continue... | D - updat+-------------------------------------------------------------+ T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 4 seconds to auto-start Enter command: B Update Boot program: Are you sure? Y/N: Y Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key enter to continue. The new boot-loader code will be programmed into the FLASH memory and you will then be prompted to reboot the DM24:

Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter Upload successful 65152 Bytes received - Checking file version ... Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v3.0 mgs 14/09/16 (Build _02) '160C' Flash chip Erasing UnLock/Erase 0100:0000 UnLock/Erase 0100:2000 UnLock/Erase 0100:4000 UnLock/Erase 0100:6000 UnLock/Erase 0100:8000 UnLock/Erase 0100:A000 UnLock/Erase 0100:C000 UnLock/Erase 0100:E000 Programming ................ Verifying Reboot to run NEW BootLoader Y/N? CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key y to confirm and the DM24 will restart. You can proceed immediately to the next section and upgrade the system code but, if you do not manage to react in time, simply power-cycle the DM24 to return to the boot-loader menu.

Follow this link to the one-page summary

3. Upgrading the System Code

The system code is the main software that monitors and controls the operation of the DM24, including handling time synchronisation and the user interface.

The line-speed of the link between the DM24 and the Platinum system must be no faster than 38400 Baud or you may render the DM24 unbootable. Please ensure that you have completed the first section, 1. Changing the line-speed, before following the instructions in this section.
System code v.107 b27 requires boot-loader version 3.0, build 02 or higher in order to load correctly. This can be verified by the presence of the line

Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v3.0 mgs 14/09/16 (Build _02)

in the DM24's output after a power-cycle. IF you have an earlier version or are in any doubt, upgrade the boot-loader, as described in the previous section before continuing.

If the DM24 is currently displaying the boot-loader menu as a result of completing the previous section, you can proceed directly. Otherwise, power-cycle the DM24 to display the boot-loader menu.

From the boot-loader menu, take option s to update the system code. You will be prompted to select a file transfer protocol: key x to select the Xmodem-128 protocol. The system will respond with the message

Start hosts' Xmodem-128 transmitter

Immediately key ctrl + a then s to open the "Upload" protocol selection dialogue and key down-arrow until xmodem is highlighted:

Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Previous 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded+-[Upload]--+ Command keys: | zmodem | C - set real time Clock (1998| ymodem | ) I - view/upload InfoBlock | xmodem | F - run the Forth monitor | kermit | S - update System program | ascii | O - select Other system progr+-----------+ B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 3 seconds to auto-start Enter command: S Updating Application Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

and then key enter. The file selection dialogue is displayed.

The directory displayed should be /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 as selected in the previous section but, if not, key g and enter /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 to change the current working directory. This step is described in more detail in the previous section.

Use down-arrow to place the cursor on dm24mk3-107b27.img and then key spacebar to select it. It should now be displayed highlighted:

Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Pr+------------------------[Select a file for upload]-------------------------+ Ba|Directory: /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 | DS| [..] | 01| dm24mk3-107b27.img | 01|dm24mk3-boot3002.img | Ch| dm24mk3-dsp1091.bin | Co| | C | | I | | F | | S | | O | | B | | D | | T | | Q | | 3 | | En| | | ( Escape to exit, Space to tag ) | Up+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X St [Goto] [Prev] [Show] [Tag] [Untag] [Okay] CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key enter to start the transfer.

The xmodem upload indicator is displayed and, after a few seconds, it will start to show the progress of the transfer, which takes around four minutes. When the transfer is complete, you are prompted to press any key to continue... :

Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Previous 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1091 Default 0104:0000+-----------[xmodem upload - Press CTRL-C to quit]------------+ Command k|Sending dm24mk3-107b27.img, 4193 blocks: Give your local XMOD| C - set r|EM receive command now. | I - view/|Bytes Sent: 536704 BPS:3128 | F - run t| | S - updat|Transfer complete | O - selec| | B - updat| READY: press any key to continue... | D - updat+-------------------------------------------------------------+ T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 3 seconds to auto-start Enter command: S Updating Application Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key enter to return to the boot-loader menu. Proceed promptly to the next section.

If you are not fast enough to react to the menu, the system will start programming the new system code into the FLASH memory. Do not interrupt this process and allow the system to boot up fully before proceeding. You can then simply power-cycle it and start again.

Follow this link to the one-page summary

4. Upgrading the DSP Code

The DSP code is the firmware for the Digital Signal Processor, which is responsible for decimation, filtering and other repetitive mathematical tasks.

The line-speed of the link between the DM24 and the Platinum system must be no faster than 38400 Baud to avoid corruption when updating the DSP code. Please ensure that you have completed the first section, 1. Changing the line-speed, before following the instructions in this section.

If the DM24 is currently displaying the boot-loader menu as a result of completing the previous section, you can proceed directly. Otherwise, power-cycle the DM24 to display the boot-loader menu.

DSP code slots

The DM24 is capable of storing two different sets of DSP code but, in practice, it is only necessary to use one of them. The two sets are stored in two "slots", numbered zero and one. We will use slot zero but the DM24 could be configured to use either so we first need to ensure that slot zero is the default.

Look at the text above the boot menu where the contents of the two DSP slots are displayed:

DSP Code :
0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default
0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29

In the example above, note that the word Default is shown next to the first entry. (Ignore the actual text of the entry: we are only interested in which one is configured as the default.) This is the correct configuration.

If, instead, the word Default is shown next to the second entry, as in:

DSP Code :
0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29
0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default

then slot one is selected. In this case, key t from the boot-loader menu to Toggle the slot to zero.

Once you are sure that slot zero is the default DSP code slot, key d at the boot-loader menu to update the DSP code. You will be asked to specify which slot to update:

Port 0 38400 baud Port 1 38400 baud Port 2 38400 baud Guralp Systems Ltd - ARM-BOOT v3.0 mgs 14/09/16 (Build _02) System Code versions loaded :- Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.107 mgs 02/04/19 (Build _27) Previous 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Command keys: C - set real time Clock (1998 1 1 04:25:09 ) I - view/upload InfoBlock F - run the Forth monitor S - update System program O - select Other system program B - update Boot program D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 3 seconds to auto-start Enter command: D Enter 0/1 to select DSP code to update CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

so key 0 and enter to select slot zero.

You are next prompted to enter a Filename and Date to identify the DSP code. Type


and key enter to name the code. It is not necessary to enter a date or any further text here.

We have had some reports of text entered here not being echoed as you type. This does not cause problems: proceed as if it were being echoed.

You will next prompted to select a file transfer protocol: key x to select the Xmodem-128 protocol. The system will respond with the message Start hosts' Xmodem-128 transmitter.

Immediately key ctrl + a then s to open the "Upload" protocol selection dialogue and key down-arrow until xmodem is highlighted:

Previous 010E:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) Backup 0117:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.106 mgs 11/11/14 (Build 57w) DSP Code : 0103:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Default 0104:0000 dsp1090.bin loaded 2014-09-29 Command keys: +-[Upload]--+ C - set real time Clock (1998| zmodem | ) I - view/upload InfoBlock | ymodem | F - run the Forth monitor | xmodem | S - update System program | kermit | O - select Other system progr| ascii | B - update Boot program +-----------+ D - update DSP code T - Toggle default DSP code Q - Quit maintenance system 3 seconds to auto-start Enter command: D Enter 0/1 to select DSP code to update 0 Enter Filename/date - upto 31 characters DSP1091 Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X Start host's Xmodem-128 transmitter CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

The file selection dialogue is displayed.

The directory displayed should be /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 as selected in the previous sections but, if not, key g and enter /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 to change the current working directory. This step is described in more detail in the Upgrading the boot-loader section.

Use down-arrow to place the cursor on dm24mk3-dsp1091.bin and then key spacebar to select it. It should now be displayed highlighted:

Current 0105:0000 Guralp Systems Ltd - DM+FW v.107 mgs 20/04/16 (Build _25) Pr+------------------------[Select a file for upload]-------------------------+ Ba|Directory: /usr/share/firmware/CMG-DM24mk3 | DS| [..] | 01| dm24mk3-107b27.img | 01| dm24mk3-boot3002.img | Ch| dm24mk3-dsp1091.bin | Co| | C | | I | | F | | S | | O | | B | | D | | T | | Q | | 3 | | En| | | ( Escape to exit, Space to tag ) | Up+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Select 'X' for Xmodem-128 or 'Y' for X/Ymodem-1k X St [Goto] [Prev] [Show] [Tag] [Untag] [Okay] CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Key enter to start the transfer.

The xmodem upload indicator is displayed and, after a few seconds, it will start to show the progress of the transfer, which takes less than a minute. When the transfer is complete, you are prompted to press any key to continue... :

Key enter to proceed: you will be returned to the boot-loader menu.

Follow this link to the one-page summary

If you changed the Baud rate at step 1 of this process, ignore the text in this box and continue from If you changed the baud rate..., below.

If you did not change the Baud rate at step 1 of this process, key enter again to leave the menu and start the system, ignoring the Invalid command message.

The system will take longer than normal to boot because the new code has to be programmed into FLASH memory. Do not disturb the unit while this process is happening.

Skip now to "Tidying up", ignoring the next section

5. If you changed the baud rate...

Only carry out the instructions in this section if you changed the Baud rate at step 1 of this process.

Key f at the boot-loader menu to select "Run the FORTH monitor" and then key enter once or twice until you see the ok prompt.

Type the command 0 115200 BAUD, replacing 115200 with the desired Baud rate, then key enter. The line-speed of the digitiser changes immediately so you do not see an ok prompt this time. You may see a few random, indecipherable characters instead.

The line-speed of the DM24 is now set to the desired Baud rate and we now need to change the line-speed of the minicom terminal emulator to match. To do this, key ctrl + A and then P to open the "Comm Parameters" dialogue.

Some common speeds have single-letter commands to select them. To obtain a speed which does not have an associated single-letter command, select the nearest speed and then use a or b to change the speed up or down until the required speed is displayed:

Desired line-speedKeystrokes
19200c a (or d b)
19200d a (or e b)
19200e a

Key enter to select the displayed speed.

Key enter once or twice more until you see the ok prompt and then enter the command re-boot. Confirm by keying y.

6. Tidying up

Allow the system to boot normally.

You will see some legible messages scrolling rapidly up the screen followed by regular bursts of indecipherable characters. This is the GCF protocol; a binary protocol generated by the DM24 when it is running.

␘␇␂��␖���␖�����␐␁��␓��␚������␝␞␈␅␈␆␎�␝␞␀�␆␋����␙��␒␕␁␏����␂␂␑�␁�␓�␜ ␑����␋␈␌�␖������␎�␀�␌␓��␁�␑�␈␅␆␓␆␑���␓␖�␂�␅␜␀���␕␂␏���␅␀���␅␑�␁�␓�␜ ��␕␘␓␉��␕�����␃␒␐␐␙�␖␚␓���␆␌��␂���␘��␉�␎␃����␄�����␙␗␎␃␉␋␆�␒␋␁␚␘␘� ␁␘�␈␐�␈�␁��␊␗�␏�␖�␝␞␒�␙␇��␇␅�␄�␆�␜␗�␜���␘␋�␜␜�␕�␇����␉␁␄␎␇␝␞␀�␌�� ␉��␘␅␂���␗␚␙␆␚�␚��␌␗��␉␜�␋��␓���␐␚␃�␑␀�␎�␈␇���␘␖␜��␖␑�␄␑���␖��␉�␐� ␇�␚␋��␅␉␊␘␂�␈�␏���␗␙␉�␘␌����␆�␗␈␈␐�␒␌␊␇��␖�␀�␑␘␅␝␞␛�␖�␊␎�␃␗�␛␒�� ��␋��␃␘�␀�␝␞�␑��␝␞␕␈␉+----------------------+␅␉�␄␕␁�␓���␛�␑␃␛����␑�␎␛� ��␋��␃␘�␀�␝␞�␑��␝␞␕␈␉| Leave without reset? |��␙␚�␀���␆��␚␋�␊␎␄�␅␇␕�␖� �␑��␝␞␕␈␉��␋��␃␘�␀�␝␞| Yes No |�␃␀␁�␐�␌␀␎���������␗␂��␒�� ␘�␀�␝␞�␑��␝␞␕␈␉��␋��␃+----------------------+␑␐␆␕␊�␒␇��␈��␊␁�␘����␗�␛ ␌␗␙��␏�␀��␚�␝␞�␊␌␙��␖��␒␛�␚�����␂�␘��␈␕␊␘����␖␖�␃␁�␖��␙����␗��␘␛␝␞ ␎␇␛���␖�␁␋␓␖␌��␑�␁��␗␝␞␝␞��␁␀␎␊␈␀␓����␛␛␀␊�␌�␎␜�␒�␝␞��␆�␕�␓�␖��␙� �␘��␇���␖�����␏␜��␆␀␚␓␎␛���␃␉�␊␐������␗␂����␉␕��␕␏��␑␏␑␘�␊���␋␑␄␆␇ ␓␘␄␎�����␓␛␂␏␝␞�␂��␘␝␞����␛␊��␏�����␙␋␝␞�␖␊␅␃���␈␘��␖��␛␂␑␘�␇��␖␈␎ ␙␖�␊�␊␒␐␒�␋�␋␎��␌�����␋�␅���␉␒␖��␆���␁���␁␈␅��␉␆␌␂�␖␐��␀␀��␋��␚␙␖� ␏�␒␆��␚���␗␆��␓�␚␑␄�␎␃␝␞␊�����␖␇␖␅␋��␖���␉�␖␃␘␊�␆␜��␁␕�␕␆�␝␞�␄��␓� CTRL-A Z for help | 38400 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1

Once you see this, wait for a few seconds and then key ctrl + a then q to exit minicom.

Key y to confirm that you wish to "leave without reset". After a few seconds, you are returned to the command line of the Platinum system.

This completes the loading of the DSP code and the DM24 firmware upgrade procedure.

Please contact if you have any questions or encounter any problems during the procedure.