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Password reset for Minimus/Fortimus/Certimus/Radian


This procedure applies to Minimus digitisers and products containing them.

  • Minimus
Minimus including Radian and Radian-string SIUs.
  • Minimus+
  • Fortimus
  • Certimus
  • Minimus₂
  • Minimus Lite
Minimus₂ and Minimus Lite For these digitisers, please see the Minimus₂ password reset procedure.


You will need:

  • Physical access to the unit to be upgraded.
  • A debug 'Y'-cable. This cable has two LEMO connectors and one DE9f connector.
Minimus debug cable
  • A PC or laptop with terminal emulator software. If you have Scream! installed, you can use the built-in emulator; otherwise, we recommend PuTTYPuTTY is a free (both as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) and highly-recommended SSH client, telnet client and serial terminal emulator that runs under Windows and Linux. It should be downloaded from Simon Tatham's web-site.
    (Beware of fake alternative download sites.)
    for windows systems and Minicom for Linux systems.
Generic laptop
  • If the PC or laptop does not have a 9-way COM port, a serial-to-USB converter. We recommend units based on the FTDI chip-set.
USB-to-serial converter

Expert Summary

Use the debug 'Y'-cable to connect to the console at 115200, 8N1 and issue the commands:

varuser delete "Username (Admin)" varuser delete "Password (Admin)" reboot

If in doubt, follow the detailed instructions below.

Detailed instructions

The following procedure removes the password for the user and admin accounts and then reboots the system. During the subsequent initialisation, the empty passwords are each replaced with their default values.

Although this procedure applies to several different digitisers and instruments, the unit to be reset will be referred to as a Minimus throughout.
  1. Start with the Minimus powered up and running. You do not need network access to it.

  2. Disconnect the GNSS receiver from the Minimus by grasping the sliding sheath and pulling in the direction of the cable.

    Unplugging the GNSS cable

    Do not twist and do not use tools.

    warning symbols
  3. Locate the male LEMO connector of the debug 'Y'-cable and plug it into the GNSS connector of the Minimus by aligning the red dots and gently pushing the connector home until it clicks into place.

    Inserting a LEMO connector

  4. If required, connect the GNSS receiver to the other LEMO connector of the debug 'Y'-cable by aligning the red dots and gently pushing the connectors together until they click into place. This is not generally necessary: the Minimus will not drift out of synchronisation if the GNSS receiver is unplugged for a few minutes.

    Connecting two in-line LEMOs

  5. Either

    • Connect the DE9f connector of the debug cable to the COM port of the PC


    • Connect the DE9f connector of the debug cable to the USB-to-serial adapter and connect the USB-to-serial adapter to a free USB port on the PC.

  6. Start your terminal emulation software in the usual way.

    Different emulators require different instructions. Use the radio-buttons below to select instructions which are specific to your terminal emulator:

    • Scream Terminal
    • PuTTY
    • Minicom

    If you choose to use a different emulator, you will have to adapt the instructions below to suit your chosen software.

  7. Set the emulator to operate at 115,200 Baud, with eight data bits, no parity bits and one stop bit ('8N1').

    • Select _Setup from the _File menu and switch to the Com Ports tab. Select the row corresponding to the COM port that you are using and change the Speed to 115,200.

      The COM ports tab of Scream's set-up dialogue

      Click the 'OK' button to close the dialogue.

    • Select _Terminal from the _File menu. In the resulting dialogue, set the Link type to Direct Serial, select the correct COM port from the Port drop-down menu and enter 115200 into the Baud rate box.

      The initial dialogue for Scream's Terminal

      Click the 'OK' button to close the dialogue and open the Terminal window.

    • Set the Connection type: to Ser_ial, enter the correct COM port under Serial li_ne and type 115200 into the S_peed box.

      PuTTY's serial configuration window
    • Select Serial from the menu tree and check that Data _bits is set to 8 and S_top bits is set to 1

      . PuTTY's main configuration window

      Click PuTTY's 'Open' button to open the terminal window.

    • Key Ctrl + A then O and cursor down to Serial port setup. Key Enter then A and type in the name of the required serial port.

      Welcome to minicom 2.7 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyUSB1 | | B - Lockfile Location : /var/lock | | C - Callin Program : | | D - Callout Program : | | E - Bps/Par/Bits : 9600 8N1 | | F - Hardware Flow Control : No | | G - Software Flow Control : No | | | | Change which setting? | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Screen and keyboard | | Save setup as dfl | | Save setup as.. | | Exit | +--------------------------+ CTRL-A Z for help | 9600 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyS1
    • Key Enter to save the serial port name and then E to change the "Bps/Par/Bits" (communications parameters).

      Key E Q to select 115200 Baud, 8-N-1.

      Welcome to minicom 2.7 +-----------------+---------[Comm Parameters]----------+----------------+ | A - Serial De| | | | B - Lockfile Loc| Current: 115200 8N1 | | | C - Callin Pro| Speed Parity Data | | | D - Callout Pro| A: <next> L: None S: 5 | | | E - Bps/Par/B| B: <prev> M: Even T: 6 | | | F - Hardware Flo| C: 9600 N: Odd U: 7 | | | G - Software Flo| D: 38400 O: Mark V: 8 | | | | E: 115200 P: Space | | | Change which | | | +-----------------| Stopbits |----------------+ | Screen a| W: 1 Q: 8-N-1 | | Save set| X: 2 R: 7-E-1 | | Save set| | | Exit | | +---------| Choice, or <Enter> to exit? | +------------------------------------+ CTRL-A Z for help | 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyUSB1

      Key Enter twice, then cursor down to Exit and key Enter once more to close the configuration dialogue.

  8. Enter the following three commands:

    varuser delete "Username (Admin)" varuser delete "Password (Admin)" reboot
  9. Exit the emulator:

    • Pick Exit from the Session menu to exit PuTTY
    • Key Ctrl + A then Q Enter to exit Minicom. Key Y Enter to confirm.
    • Click the windows 'X' icon to exit the Scream terminal.
  10. Disconnect the debug cable and replace the GNSS receiver.


This concludes the procedure. Once the Minimus has finished reebooting, you should be able to access it using the default login details.

In case of any difficulty, please contact .