Guralp Systems Limited
Maris - Technical Manual
Section Index: 3.1 Unpacking and packing

Chapter 3. Getting started

3.1 Unpacking and packing

The Maris OBS is delivered in specially-designed packaging. The packaging should be re-used whenever you need to transport the sensor. If the packaging ever becomes damaged, please contact Güralp for a replacement. Please record and photograph any damage to the packaging when you receive the equipment. Always unpack on a clean surface.

Caution: The Maris OBS contains sensitive mechanical components which can be damaged by mishandling. If you are at all unsure about the handling or installation of the device, you should contact Güralp Systems for assistance.

Never ground any of the output signal lines from the sensor.

Warning: The Güralp Maris OBS system with batteries weighs around 280 kg in air and 130 kg in water. Improper storage or handling may cause injury, disability or death. Always follow recognised safety procedures for heavy equipment handling.