NAM Mk2 Platinum firmware recovery (for units with corrupt memory) Open
NAM mk2 Platinum firmware recovery (for units with corrupt memory) NAM-mk2-reflash
NAM mk2 Platinum firmware recovery (for units with corrupt memory) | NAM-mk2-reflash |
Re-flashing a DCM to install Platinum Firmware (for units with corrupt memory) Open
Re-flashing a DCM to install Platinum Firmware (for units with corrupt memory) dcm2platinum-reflash
Re-flashing a DCM to install Platinum Firmware (for units with corrupt memory) | dcm2platinum-reflash |
EAM Platinum firmware recovery Open
This recovery procedure can be useful if the firmware has become damaged or corrupted by a partial upgrade. Read more...
EAM Platinum password reset procedure Open
Password reset for when the EAM Platinum "root" password has been forgotten. Read more...
Affinity password reset procedure Open
Password reset for when Affinity "root" password has been forgotten. Read more...
NAM Mk2 password reset guide Open
Reset guide for forgotten "root" passwords. This procedure applies to NAM Mk2 (single-height rack-mounting units) only. Read more...
NAM Mk2 Platinum firmware recovery Open
Firmware recovery for NAM Mk2 units with corrupt memory. Read more...